One of the things that makes Parkinson’s disease hard to treat is that the disease has different symptoms in different people. Everyone who has PD will have symptoms that are unique to them, and that person will respond the best to certain combinations of medications. Finding out that combination is usually a process of trial and error.


Still, there are four things that every person with PD needs to have the best results, regardless of their specific set of symptoms:

#1 The Best Doctor

A really good doctor is  not always the one with the fanciest diploma on the wall, but the doctor who really listens to her patient and the caregiver. A good doctor needs to be able to assess and respond to a PD patient’s changing condition. This is so important with PD because of the progressive and highly complex nature of the disease. Remember: If you think you or your loved one is not getting the best care from a doctor, it is a good idea to find another one. Try to find one that works a lot with PD patients, in particular.

#2 A Good Exercise Program

Getting regular workouts has been shown to make movement easier for PD patients. It also seems to help to improve the survival of neurons that produce dopamine. It is the death of those cells that causes the symptoms of PD. According to some patients in early stages of the disease, sometimes they get up and they can hardly move in the morning. But if they walk on the tread mill or ride on the bike for 30 minutes, their symptoms are much less. Walking, yoga and dance are really good ways to get the blood moving that are easy on the body. Any music that you can add to your workout can make it more fun, too.

#3 A Good Support Group

It is really important to be able to talk to other people who are dealing with PD. No matter how understanding other people can be, sometimes the best way to talk to others about the disease is to talk to those who are dealing with it too.

#4 A Good Caregiver Who Loves You

You may not even need a caregiver yet to help you with the activities of daily living, but having that love and support from a good caregiver even early on is so important. You also need to have a caregiver that ‘holds your feet to the fire,’ and makes sure that you take your medications on time and work out as much as you can.

Medication Reminders for PD Patients

As the article above describes, it is very important that the PD patient and the caregiver ensure that medications are taken on time to minimize symptoms. These products can help:


Vibrating Alarm Medication Reminder




Med-E-Lert Electronic Medication Reminder


If you or your loved one have the four things mentioned in this article, you will find that living with the disease is more manageable.